

International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)

701. Revista Bahiana de Odontologia

702. ​Magazine Psychology, Diversity and Health

703. Contemporary Nursing magazine

704. Brazilian Journal of Medicine and Human Health

705. Journal Research in Physiotherapy

706. Journal of Applied Biosciences

707. Journal of Applied Linguistics (JAL)

708. Ma'arif Research Journal

709. Indian Journal of Research and Reports in Medical Sciences

710. Journal of Kerbala University

711. Publicaciones en Ciencias y Tecnologia

712. International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences (IJCRMS)

713. International Journal of Digital Application and Contemporary Research(ijdacr)


715​. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals


717. Journal of Comorbidity

718. Revista Estudios Hemisféricos y Polares

719. International Journal of Nano Dimension (IJND)

720. Krymsky nauchnyi vestnik

721. Athens Journal of Health

722. Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences

723. International Archives of Health Sciences

724. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management Studies (IJAHMS)

725. International Journal of Engineering Studies and Technical Approach (IJESTA)

726. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach & Studies

727. International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine

728. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan


​730. Annals of phytomedicine : An International Journal

731. Pollution

732. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal

733. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (IJCEIT)

​734. International Journal of Capacity Building in Education and Management (IJCBEM)

​735. International Journal of Democratic and Development Studies (IJDDS)

736. International Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies (IJPCS)

737. Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society

738. Australian Journal of Teacher Education

739. Australian Prescriber

740. Australian Review of Public Affairs

741. Australian Slavonic and East European Studies

742. Australian Studies

743. Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology

744. Authorship

745. Carbon : Science and Technology

746. Autism Research and Treatment

747. Autoimmune Diseases

748. Autonomies. Revista Catalana de Dret Públic

749. Autopsy and Case Reports

750. Avá : Revista de Antropología

751. Avaliação : Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior

752. Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería

753. Avances en Enfermería

754. Avances en Investigación Agropecuaria

755. Avances en Odontoestomatología

756. Avances en Periodoncia e Implantología Oral

757. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana

758. Avances en Química

759. Avances en Sistemas e Informática

760. Avances en Supervisión Educativa

761. Avant : Journal of Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard

762. Avanzada Científica

763. Avian Conservation and Ecology

764. Aviation in Focus : Journal of Aeronautical Sciences

765. Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology

766. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine

767. Axioms

768. Ayurpharm : International Journal of Ayurveda and Allied Sciences

769. Azerbaijan Focus : Journal of International Affairs

770. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics : An International Journal

771. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture

772. B Quest

773. B Sides

774. Babel : Littératures Plurielles

775. Babilónia

776. Bajo Palabra : Journal of Philosophy

777. Bakhtiniana : Revista de Estudos do Discurso

778. Balcanica

779. Bali Medical Journal

780. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

781. Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications

782. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics

783. Balkan Medical Journal

784. The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 

785. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity

786. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics

787. Baltic Worlds

788. Baltica : an International Journal on Earth sciences

789. Baltistica

790. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis

791. Banat’s Journal of Biotechnology

792. Bangladesh Journal of Anatomy

793. Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics

794. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science

795. Bangladesh Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

796. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology

797. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy

798. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine

799. Bangladesh Veterinarian

​800. BANTAO Journal

801. Banwa : a Multidisciplinary Journal

802. BAR : Brazilian Administration Review

803. Barataria : Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias Sociales

804. Barbarói

805. Barnboken : Tidskrift för Barnlitteraturforskning

806. Barnolipi

807. Barroco

808. Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi

809. BASE : Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos

810. Basic and Applied Myology

811. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience

812. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

813. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings

814. BBR : Brazilian Business Review

815. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management

816. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi

817. Behavior and Social Issues

818. Behavioral and Brain Functions

819. Behavioral Sciences

820. Behaviormetrika

821. Behbood

822. Behemoth : a Journal on Civilisation

823. Beijing Law Review

824. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology

825. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry

826. Beiträge Empirischer Musikpädagogik

827. Belgeo : Revue Belge de Géographie

828. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature

829. Belphegor

​830. Berkeley Planning Journal

831. Between

832. Beytulhikme : An International Journal of Philosophy

833. Bezbednosni Dijalozi/Security Dialogues

834. Bharatiya Vaigyanik evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika

835. Biawak

836. The Bible and Critical Theory

837. Biblica : Commentarii ad rem Biblicam Scientifice Investigandam

838. Biblio 3w : Revista Bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales

839. Biblionline

840. Bibliosphere

841. Bibliotime Rivista Elettronica per le Biblioteche

842. BIBLOS : Revista do Instituto de Ciências Humanas e da Informação

843. BiD : Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació

844. Bifröst Journal of Social Science

845. Bifurcaciones

846. Biharean Biologist

847. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

848. Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië

849. Bildungsforschung

850. Bilgi Dünyası


852. Bina Journal of Ophthalmology

853. BIO Web of Conferences

854. Bioagro

855. International Journal Bioautomation

856. Biocell

857. Bioceramics Development and Applications

858. Biochemia Medica

859. Carbon Balance and Management

860. Biochemistry Research International

861. Biociências

862. BioData Mining

863. BioDiscovery

864. Biodiversitas

865. Biodiversity : Research and Conservation

866. Biodiversity Informatics

867. Biodiversity Journal

868. Biodiversity Science

869. BioéthiqueOnline

870. Biogeosciences

871. Biogeosciences Discussions

872. BioImpacts

873. Cardiff Corvey : Reading the Romantic Text

874. Bioinformation

875. Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications

876. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry

877. Biointerphases

878. BioInvasions Records

879. Biokemistri

880. Biolinguistics

881. Biological and Biomedical Reports

882. Biological Diversity and Conservation

883. Biological Journal of Microorganism

884. Biological Letters

885. Biological Procedures Online

886. Biological Research

887. Bìologìčnij Vìsnik Melìtopolʹsʹkogo Deržavnogo Pedagogìčnogo Universitetu ìmenì Bogdana Hmelʹnicʹkogo

888. Biologics : Targets & Therapy

889. Biologics in Therapy

890. The Biologist (Lima)

891. Biology

892. Biology and Medicine

893. Biology Direct

894. Biology of Exercise

895. Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders

896. Biology of Sex Differences

897. Biology of Sport

898. Biology Open

899. Cardiogenetics

900. Cardiologia Croatica

901. Biomechanica Hungarica

902. BioMed Research International

903. Biomédica

904. The Cardiology

905. BioMedical Engineering OnLine

906. Biomedical Human Kinetics

907. Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal

908. Cardiology Research

909. Biomedical Journal

910. Biomedical Optics Express

911. Biomedical Research

912. Biomedicine International

913. Biomirror

914. Biomolecules

915. Biopolymers and Cell

916. Bioprocess

917. BioPsychoSocial Medicine

918. Bioquimia

919. Bioquímica y Patología Clínica

920. BioResources

921. BioRisk

922. Bioscience Discovery

923. Bioscience Education Electronic Journal

924. Bioscience Horizons

925. Bioscience Reports

926. Bioscience Research

927. Biosciences International

928. BioScriba

929. Biosensors

930. Biota Neotropica

931. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement

932. Biotechnology

933. Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews

934. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry

935. Biotechnology for Biofuels

936. Biotechnology Research International

937. Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial

938. Bioteknologi

939. Biotemas

940. BIOTROPIA : the Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology

941. Bistua : Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas

942. Bitácora Urbano-Territorial

943. Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology

944. Blickpunkt der Mann

945. Blood and Lymphatic Cancer : Targets and Therapy

946. Blood Cancer Journal

947. Blood Transfusion

948. BMB Reports

949. BMC Anesthesiology

​950. BMC Biochemistry

951. BMC Bioinformatics

952. BMC Biology

953. BMC Biophysics

954. BMC Biotechnology

955. BMC Blood Disorders

956. BMC Cancer

957. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

958. BMC Cell Biology

959. BMC Chemical Biology

960. BMC Clinical Pathology

961. BMC Clinical Pharmacology

962. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

963. BMC Dermatology

964. BMC Developmental Biology

965. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders

966. BMC Ecology

967. BMC Emergency Medicine

968. BMC Endocrine Disorders

969. BMC Evolutionary Biology

970. BMC Family Practice

971. BMC Gastroenterology

972. BMC Genetics

973. BMC Genomics

974. BMC Geriatrics

975. BMC Health Services Research

976. BMC Immunology

977. BMC Infectious Diseases

978. BMC International Health and Human Rights

979. BMC Medical Education

​980. BMC Medical Ethics

981. International Journal of Education & the Arts

982. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 

983. International Journal of Mathematics & Computation 

984. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 

985. International Journal of Imaging & Robotics 

986. International Journal of Tomography & Simulation 

987. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 

988. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 

989. International Journal of Statistics & Economics 

990. International Journal of Ecology & Development 

991. International Journal of Library Science

992. BMC Medical Genetics

993. BMC Medical Genomics

994. BMC Medical Imaging

995. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

996. BMC Medical Physics

997. BMC Medical Research Methodology

998. BMC Medicine

999. BMC Microbiology

1000. BMC Molecular Biology

1001. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

1002. BMC Nephrology

1003. BMC Neurology

1004. BMC Neuroscience

1005. BMC Nuclear Medicine

1006. BMC Nursing

1007. BMC Ophthalmology

1008. BMC Oral Health

1009. BMC Palliative Care

1010. BMC Pediatrics

1011. BMC Pharmacology

1012. BMC Physiology

1013. BMC Plant Biology

1014. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

1015. BMC Proceedings

1016. BMC Psychiatry

1017. BMC Public Health

1018. BMC Pulmonary Medicine

1019. BMC Research Notes

1020. BMC Structural Biology

1021. BMC Surgery

1022. BMC Systems Biology

1023. BMC Urology

1024. BMC Veterinary Research

1025. BMGN : Low Countries Historical Review

1026. BMJ Open

1027. Bocconi Legal Papers

1028. Body, Space and Technology

1029. BOFIT Discussion Papers

1030. BOFIT Online

1031. Boitatá

1032. Bolema : Boletim de Educação Matemática

1033. Boletim Centro de Pesquisa e Processamento de Alimentos

1034. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática

1035. Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas

1036. Boletim de Geografia

1037. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca

1038. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi : Ciências Humanas

1039. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi : Ciências Naturais

1040. Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego

1041. Boletim Goiano de Geografia

1042. Boletim SOCED

1043. Boletin Asociacio Matematica Vanezolana - English

1044. Boletín Biológica

1045. Boletin Chileno de Parasitologia

1046. Boletín Científico Sapiens Research

1047. Boletín Criminologico

1048. Boletín de Antropología

1049. Boletín de Biodiversidad de Chile

​1050. Boletín de Filología

1051. Boletín de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani

1052. Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras

1053. Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios

1054. Boletín de la Asociación para el Fomento de los Estudios Históricos en Centroamérica

1055. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica

1056. Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México

1057. Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Química

1058. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio

1059. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

1060. Boletín de Lingüística

1061. Boletín de Pediatría

1062. Boletin del Grupo Español del Carbon

1063. Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

1064. Boletin del Museo de Entomologia de la Universidad del Valle

1065. Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas

1066. Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado

1067. Boletín SAO

1068. Boletín Técnico Instituto de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales

1069. Bolgarskaâ Rusistika

1070. Bolivian Studies Journal

1071. Bollettino del CILEA

1072. Bollettino della Società Medico Chirurgica di Pavia

1073. Bollettino Telematico di Filosofia Politica

1074. Bone & Joint Research

1075. Bone Marrow Research

1076. The Bonefolder : an e-Journal for the Bookbinder and Book Artist

1077. Bonfring International Journal of Power Systems and Integrated Circuits

1078. Bonn Zoological Bulletin

1079. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge

1080. Bonplandia

1081. Borderlands e-Journal : New Spaces in the Humanities

1082. Boreal Environment Research

1083. Borealis : An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics

1084. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences

1085. Bosque (Valdivia)

1086. Botanica Serbica

1087. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica

1088. Botanical Studies

1089. Boundary Value Problems

1090. Bragantia

1091. Brain and Behavior

1092. Brain Sciences

1093. Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience

1094. Brainfactor

1095. BRAND : Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution

1096. Brasiliana : Journal for Brazilian Studies

1097. Brathair

1098. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology

1099. Brazilian Dental Journal

1100. Brazilian Energy Journal

1101. Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal

1102. Brazilian Geographical Journal : Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium

1103. Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology

1104. Brazilian Journal of Biology

1105. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity

1106. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

1107. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology

1108. Brazilian Journal of Genetics

1109. Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases

1110. Brazilian Journal of Information Science

1111. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research

1112. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology

1113. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography

1114. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management

1115. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences

1116. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology

1117. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1118. Brazilian Journal of Physics

1119. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology

1120. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics

1121. Brazilian Journalism Research

1122. Brazilian Oral Research

1123. Brazilian Political Science Review

1124. Cardiology Research and Practice

1125. Breast Cancer : Targets and Therapy

1126. Breeding Science

1127. Bright Lights Film Journal

1128. British Biotechnology Journal

1129. British Columbia Medical Journal

​1130. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology

1131. British Journal of Environment and Climate Change

1132. British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science

1133. British Journal of Medical Practitioners

1134. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research

1135. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

1136. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

1137. British Microbiology Research Journal

1138. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan

1139. British Postgraduate Musicology

1140. Brno Studies in English

1141. Brock Education : a Journal of Educational Research and Practice

1142. The Brock Review

1143. Brunei International Medical Journal

1144. Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar

1145. Brussels Studies

1146. Bryn Mawr Classical Review

1147. Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature

1148. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics

1149. Buildings

1150. Built & Human Environment Reivew

1151. Buletin Ştiinţific

1152. Buletin Teknik Elektro dan Informatika

1153. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova : Matematica

1154. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Secţia IV, Automatică şi Calculatoare

1155. Buletinul Universitatii Petrol Gaze din Ploiesti, Seria Matematica-Informatica-Fizica

1156. Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology

1157. Bulgarian Journal of Plant physiology

1158. Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy

1159. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine

1160. Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society

1161. Bulletin Astronomique de Belgrade

1162. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique : Section Sciences de la Terre

1163. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique : Section Sciences de la Vie

1164. Bulletin des bibliothèques de France

1165. Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles

1166. Bulletin du Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem

1167. Bulletin du Centre d’Études Médiévales d’Auxerre

1168. Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University

1169. Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology

1170. Bulletin of Applied Mechanics

1171. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis

1172. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology - Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni

1173. Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series

1174. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series

1175. Bulletin of Geosciences

1176. Bulletin of Italian Politics

1177. Bulletin of Materials Science

1178. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

1179. Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences

1180. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History

1181. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

1182. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia

1183. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

1184. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland

1185. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology

1186. Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology

1187. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society

1188. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society

1189. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association

1190. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences : Technical Sciences

1191. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Constructions, Architechture Section

1192. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V : Economic Sciences

1193. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII : Social Sciences and Law

1194. Bulletin of the World Health Organization

1195. Bulletin of TICMI

1196. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca : Agriculture

1197. Journal of Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Africa (JGGSDA)

1198. International Journal of Public Administration and Management Research (IJPAMR)


​1200. Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal. Series 3. Social and Political Sciences

1201. Izvestia of the Ural federal university. Series 2. Humanities and Arts

1202. Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal. Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture

1203. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (IJCEIT)

1204. Prim@ Facie International Journal

1205. Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications

1206. The Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards

1207. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Innovative Research

1208. Agriculture Update

1209. International Research Journal of Agricultural Economics & Statistics

1210. International Journal of Plant Sciences

1211. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

1212. Engineering Technology in India

1213. Food Science Research Journal

1214. Annals of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

1215. Veterinary Science Research Journal

1216. Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement

1217. International Journal of Processing & Post Harvest Technology

1218. Journal of Paediatric Pulmonology and Critical Care

1219. Advance Research Journal of Social Science

1220. International Journal of Forestry & Crop Improvement

1221. Research Journal of Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science

1222. International Journal of Physical Education

1223. International Journal of Commerce & Business Management

1224. International Journal of Medical Sciences

1225. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering

1226. International Journal of Plant Protection

1227. Asian Journal of Bio Science

1228. The Asian Journal of Horticulture

1229. The European Research Journal

​1230. Journal of Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences

1231. The Asian Journal of Experimental Chemistry

1232. The Asian Journal of Animal Science

1233. An Asian Journal of Soil Science

1234. Asian Science

1235. Asian Journal of Home Science

1236. Asian Journal of Environmental Science

1237. Revista Numismática Hécate

1238. Archives of Dental and Medical Research

1239. International Journal of Law and Legal Studies

1240. Specialty Journal of Psychology and Management

1241. Specialty Journal of Electronic and Computer Sciences

1242. Specialty Journal of Biological Sciences

1243. Specialty Journal of Architecture and Construction

1244. Specialty Journal of Agricultural Sciences

1245. Specialty Journal of Accounting and Economics

1246. Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)

1247. Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Pará / Journal of Pará Historical and Geographical Institute

1248. Romanian Journal of European Affairs

1249. Jurnal Al-Mawarid

​1250. JISIP

1251. The European Research Journal

1252. Parasitologists United Journal

1253. Journal of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics

1254. Online international Journal of Medical and Social Sciences

1255. Avicenna Journal of Environmental Health Engineering

1256. Indian Journal of physical education, Sports and Applied Sciences

1257. Jangwa Pana

1258. Intropica

1259. International Journal of Advances in Psychology Research

1260. International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutics

1261. International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Analysis

1262. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

1263. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation

1264. International Journal of Phytopharmacy

1265. International Journal of Biomedical Research

1266. International Journal of Pharmacological Research

1267. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research

1268. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research

1269. Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research

​1270. Modern European Researches

1271. Arheologia Moldovei

1272. Social health spectrum

1273. Clinical Social Work

1274. Shodh Sanchayan

1275. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite

1276. Advances in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management

1277. elementa: science of the anthropocene

1278. Ayurlog: The National Journal Of Research in Ayurved Science (ANJRAS)

1279. International Journal of Multi-disciplinary sciences (IJMS)

1280. Nepal Journal of Medical Sciences

1281. Journal of Environmental and Applied Bioresearch

1282. Micro, Macro & Mezzo Geo Information

1283. Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization





1288. Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi (The Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research)

1289. International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scholarly Research (IIJSR)

1290. The journal of Scientific articles “Health & education millennium”

1291. Online Scientific & educational Bulletin «Zdorov'e i obrazovanie v XXI veke»

1292. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

1293. Psychology of Personality

1294. RICYDE. Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte

1295. International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing

1296. Journal of Oral Health & Research

1297. The Nucleus


1299. Medical Journal of Mustafa Kemal University

1300. Fìlosofìâ osvìti. Philosophy of Education

1301. European Cooperation

1302. Institutional repository of Ural Federal University

1303. Journal of environment and social science research

1304. Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier

1305. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Medicine"

1306. International Journal of research In Social Sciences (IJRSS)

1307. Prayas - An international journal of multidisciplinary studies (PIJMS)

1308. Prayas - An international journal of multidisciplinary studies (PIJMS)

1309. Duazary

​1310. International Journal of Multidisciplinary research Centre


1312. Revista Direito e Práxis / Law and Praxis Journal

1313. International Journal of Appilied Pharmaceutical Sciences

1314. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam


1316. International Journal of Appiled Pharmaceutical Sciences


1318. International Research Journal of Electronics & Communication Engineering

1319. International Research Journal of Innovative Engineering

1320. International Research Journal of Computer Science

1321. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences

1322. LiNGUA

1323. Journal of Adolescent Psychology and Psychiatry

1324. Global Journal of Research in Business & Management (GJRBM)

1325. European Agrophysical Journal

1326. Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design

1327. International Electronic Journal of algebra

1328. Journal of Education and Community Health

1329. Ayurlog: The National Journal Of Research in Ayurved Science (ANJRAS)

​1330. Journal of Progressive Research in Chemistry

1331. Frattura ed Integrità strutturale

1332. Journal of Business Management , Commerce & Research (JBMCR)

1333. International Journal of Hidden Data Mining and Scientific Knowledge Discovery

1334. Journal of Nuclear Sciences

1335. International Journal of Life and Bio sciences

1336. Historical studies of social progress

1337. SS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research(SSIJMR)

1338. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research


1340. Caspian Journal of Neurological Sciences

1341. Maritime Faculty Journal

1342. Arheologia Moldovei

1343. International Journal of Conference Proceedings

1344. International Journal of Enology and Viticulture

1345. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics

1346. International Journal of Fisheries Science and Aquaculture

1347. International Journal of Manures and Fertilizers

1348. International Journal of Irrigation and Water Management

1349. International Journal of Horticulture and Floriculture

1350. International Journal of Food Science and Microbiology

1351. Advances in Food Science and Technology

1352. Advances in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management

1353. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

1354. Acta Geobalcanica

1355. Journal of Progressive Research in Biology (JPRB)

1356. Journal of Progressive Research in Chemistry

1357. LiNGUA

1358. Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology

1359. Ciencia e Natura

​1360. International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science

1361. International Journal for Engineering Applications and Technology" (IJFEAT)

1362. Perspectives of science and education

1363. International Journal of Humanities and Education (IJHE)

1364. Mathematical and Software Engineering

1365. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

1366. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

1367. International Journal of Turkish Education Sciences

1368. Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

1369. Vibrant - Virtual Brazilian Anthropology

1370. Emergency

1371. International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Review and Research

1372. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

1373. Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research

1374. Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics

1375. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry

1376. Funoon: An International Journal of Multidiscplinary Research

1377. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology



1380. Journal of Management Engineering and Infromation Technology

1381. Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios

1382. International Journal of Science and Research Methodology

1383. Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science

1384. Sportyvna nauka Ukrajiny / SPORT SCIENCE OF UKRAINE


1386. Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology

1387. The Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Construction. Architecture Section

1388. Biotechnological Research

1389. Emergent Life Sciences Research

1390. Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences

1391. International Journal of Research in Science & Technology

1392. Journal of ETA Maritime Science

1393. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi / Celal Bayar University Journal of Science

1394. Revista Monografias Ambientais

1395. Revista Eletronica em Gestão, Educação e Tecnologia Ambiental

1396. Ciência e Natura

1397. Global Journal of Chemistry

1398. Journal of Adolescent Psychology and Psychiatry

1399. Journal of Islamic Architecture

​1400. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary