
International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)

Significance of winning International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) Awards

Winning the International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) Awards holds immense significance for researchers and professionals across diverse fields. This accolade serves as a powerful indicator of success, elevating one's reputation and setting higher standards for excellence in their respective domains.

The I2OR Awards are not merely an honor; they are a source of pride and motivation, boosting the visibility of one's achievements. The accompanying Certificate and Photograph stand as tangible testimonials to one's hard work and dedication. Importantly, this recognition is not limited by geographical boundaries, as it is accessible globally online. The creation of an Exclusive Webpage for the winners further amplifies their credibility.

Beyond personal recognition, winning an I2OR Award has several broader implications:

1. Building a Research Community: It fosters the creation of online communities centered around specific subjects, promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration among researchers.
2. Positive Social Impact: The I2OR Awards provide a platform to extend the benefits to surrounding communities, staff, and stakeholders, thus contributing positively to society.
3. Novel Learning Experience: Participation in I2OR Awards goes beyond conventional enjoyment; it offers a unique learning and social experience, enhancing one's professional journey.
4. Networking and Expertise: It connects like-minded individuals, enabling them to identify experts and influencers within their network. This networking opportunity can lead to valuable collaborations and mentorship.
5. Access to New Tools and Focus: Winners may gain access to new tools and resources, further enhancing their ability to conduct research and excel in their fields.
6. Interdisciplinary Learning: The I2OR Awards encourage learning beyond one's immediate field of interest, promoting cross-disciplinary knowledge exchange.
7. Immediate Feedback: Networking with credible individuals provides the opportunity to promote ideas and receive immediate feedback, fostering growth and innovation.

In summary, winning an International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) Award is a mark of distinction that extends far beyond personal recognition. It builds communities, fosters positive impacts, offers unique learning experiences, facilitates networking, and opens doors to new tools and knowledge. It is a testament to dedication and achievement that resonates both professionally and socially.

Educational Leaders and Scholars, Academic Professionals, Dedicated Researchers and Scholars, Industry Experts and Paraprofessionals, Scientific Pioneers,
Publishing Professionals, Medical and Engineering Practitioners, Talented Students, etc.


1. Establish Evaluation Criteria: Defining clear and specific criteria for evaluating the award applications aligned with the goals and values of the award.
2. Formation of Evaluation Committee: Formation of committee  of educators, administrators, and experts in the field who are impartial and capable of evaluating the applications objectively.
3. Nomination for the Awards: Self-Nomination by Applicants (prospective awardees) received through online application process.
4. Anonymous Applications: To maintain impartiality, applications are anonymized by removing identifying information such as names, designation, and affiliations during the initial evaluation phase.
5. Individual Review of Applications: Review of applications by the evaluation committee members individually.
6. Committee Meeting: Evaluation committee meetings to discuss the applications collectively.
7. Weightage to Applications: Weightage to Applicants by the evaluation committee based on qualitative and quantitative parameters.
8. Conflict of Interest Policy: Conflict of interest policy to ensure that committee members do not evaluate applications of educators they have personal or professional relationships with.
9. Peer Review: If required, external peer reviewers are involved who are experts in the field to provide additional perspectives on the applications.
10. Consideration to Support Material: Some applicants may submit supplementary materials such as letters of recommendation, Awards & recognitions, portfolios, social media reach, mass media evidence or videos. These materials are also evaluated according to the established criteria.
11. Final Selection: After thorough evaluation and discussion, applications are shortlisted based on the assessments.
12. Feedback and Communication: Provide constructive feedback to all applicants, even those who did not receive the award.
13. Announcement and Recognition: Once the selection is made, awardees are notified and a formal announcement or award ceremony to recognize their achievements is planned.
14. Publicize the Awardees: Names and achievements of the awardees are shared through appropriate channels, such as websites or social media, to celebrate their accomplishments and inspire others in the field.
15. Documentation, Records and Continuous Improvement: Comprehensive records of each awardee are maintained. After the award process is complete, a post-evaluation review with the committee is conducted to identify areas for improvement in the evaluation process and make necessary adjustments for the future.

The International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) Awards is conferred upon individuals who have made a substantial contribution to knowledge or academic excellence. This contribution can encompass either a long-term, cumulative effort or a single, particularly insightful idea, experiment, application, or interpretation.

The selection committee may take into consideration the following criteria when identifying deserving recipients:

  • Recognized Body of Work: Candidates should typically have a portfolio of published work widely acknowledged within their field.
  • Excellence in Research and Scholarship: Demonstrated prowess in research and scholarly activities is a key consideration.
  • External Recognition: Recognition by professional societies, community organizations, or other external entities underscores the candidate's impact.
  • Contributions to the Research Landscape: Assessing contributions made locally, nationally, and internationally to the research environment.
  • Education and Training: Contributions to the training and education of future researchers and scholars.
  • Potential for Impact: The potential for a substantial influence not only within the candidate's research community but also on a broader scale.
  • Research Approach: Evaluation of the technical soundness of the proposed research approach.
  • Recent Research Performance: Assessment of the candidate's recent research achievements and contributions.
  • Advancements in Science and Engineering: Contributions that have led to new discoveries or fundamental advances within their field.
  • Societal Relevance: Contributions that contribute to the foundation for new technologies or solutions to societal challenges.
  • Enhancing Knowledge Quality: Contributions aimed at improving the quality, distribution, or effectiveness of knowledge.
  • Research Clarity: Evaluation of the clarity of research objectives, problem significance, and the adequacy of methods and procedures to achieve those objectives.
  • Feasibility: Consideration of the feasibility of the proposed research.
  • Scientific and Technical Merit: Assessment of the scientific and technical merit of the research question, design, and methodology.
  • Research Skills Development: Evaluation of the plan for enhancing the nominee's research skills.
  • Publication Record: A sustained record of research publications in peer-reviewed journals, research monographs, or research-oriented texts.
  • Honorary Recognition: Awards or other forms of honorary recognition for publications.
  • Impact on the Field: Assessing the significant positive impact the nominee has had on their field.
  • Conference Presentations: A record of presenting research findings at national and/or international conferences.

These comprehensive criteria guide the selection process, ensuring that the International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) Awards are granted to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to knowledge and academia.

About the Organization
International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) is a registered MSME with Ministry of MSME, Government of India. Organising Committee of I2OR Academy from 20+ Countries joined hands to recognise the potential & bestowed International and National Awards advocating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) also known as The Global Goals, which are adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

Benefits of getting selected in "National and International Awards":

1. International Award Certificate (E-Certificate through Email and Hard Copy through Post)
2. Award Memento (through Post)
3. Medal of Recognition (through Post)
4. Award Badge as per selection of category
5. Award Letter for Academic Purpose
6. Digital Citation

 Contact at +91-8872525931 (WhatsApp) for any support/queries.


International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)